Information about the Chief of the laboratory-chair

Nikolenko Oleksandr, after finishing physics and mathematics school in Kamchatka, entered Ryazan Radiotechnical Institute. Having graduated from this institution, he started to work at a design-engineering office of Industrial Corporation “Electronmash” in Kiev. He has been elected by Chief of the Council of young scientists of the Corporation, and also a member of the Republic Council of young scientists. Further he was on public and economic work. He has authored 5 inventions in the area of robotic technology and a range of scientific and popular publications in cybernetics, special theory of relativity, time theory and theoretical physics.
Member of the International Society for the Study of Time (ISST)
Research interests
- Time theory
- Geometrization of physics
- Comprehension of mechanical motion
- Cybernetics and robotic technology
- E-mail:
- Tel: +38 044 483-44-47
- Ukraine, 04050, Kiev-50, P.O. Box 80.