- V. Abramovic. Geometry, time and the law of continuity
- V. Abramovic. Inadequacy and inconsistency as imperfection in the differential calculus
- G. P. Aksjenov. Cause of Time. (Summary)
- A. M. Anisov. Time as a computation process (PDF-file, 171 Kb) [distributed 20.12.2006]
- V. V. Aristov. On the relational statistical space-time concept
- V. V. Aristov. Relative Statistical Model of Clocks and Physical Properties of Time
- A. D. Armand. Time in the Earth Sciences
- M. L. Arushanov and S. M. Korotaev. Geophysical Effects of Causal Mechanics
- O. Ast. Archetypes and architecture of time. (PDF file, 29.7 Mb) [distributed 21.03.2013]
- M. Aultman. Searching for social memory
- V. S. Barashenkov and M. Z. Yur'iev. Is the Hypothesis of Time Multi-Dimensionality at Variance with the Facts? (PDF file, 40.6 Kb)
- P. Bernstein. Physicist Uses NDEs to Clarify the Nature of Time (PDF file, 428 Kb)
- J. Bricmont. Science of Chaos or Chaos in Science?
- R. Buccheri. Time and the dichotomy subjective/objective. An endo-physical point of view
- C. Callender. Is Time "handed" in Quantum World? Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, June 2000, pp. 247-269
- D. Ceballos Hornero. An Approach to Financial Time (PDF file, 36 Kb)
- D. Ceballos Hornero. Time Aggregation Problems in Financial Time Series (PDF file, 109 Kb)
- A. A. Chernitskii. Global causality in space-time universe. The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception. Edited by Rosolino Buccheri, Metod Saniga, and William Mark Stuckey. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht / Boston / London (published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division), pp. 307-314 (PDF file, 106 Kb)
- B. N. Chigarev. N. A. Kozyrev's Causal Mechanics Seen by an Orthodox Physicist
- D. Cucich. On the Justifiability of Establishing a Science of Time (PDF file, 163 Kb) [distributed 10.12.2007]
- T. A. Dettlaff. Clocks for Studying Temporal Laws of Animal Development
- R. Desbrandes, Daniel L. Van Gent. Intercontinental quantum liaisons between entangled electrons in ion traps of thermoluminescent crystals (PDF-file, 280 Kb) [distributed 20.12.2006]
- V. Dzhunushaliev, D. Singleton. Algorithmic Complexity in
Cosmology and Quantum Gravity
- V. Dzhunushaliev, D. Singleton. Non-differentiable
Degrees of Freedom: Fluctuating Metric Signature
- V. Dzhunushaliev. Nondifferentiable
Dynamic: Two Examples
- Endophysics, Time, Quantum and the Subjective / Proceedings of the ZiF Interdisciplinary Research Workshop
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Energy Characteristics and Kinetics of Information Interactions (PDF file, 99.9 Kb)
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- G. Fontana. V. Polikarpov. A. Yankelevich. Experiments on anomalous retroactive influences in the context of the theory of growing block universe. (PDF-file, 286 Kb) [distributed 05.06.2012].
- I. N. Gansvind.
Irreversibility, Time in Philosophical Aspect
- I. Gerasimchuk. Dictionary of winds
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I. Graev, A. V. Koganov. Geometric and Topological Structures Related to Universal Algebras (PDF file, 354 Kb)
- Y. Gribov. How could Einstein empty vacuum become stable quantum liquid with
the common Einstein-Lorentz invariance and other Standard Model features? (PDF file, 226 Kb) [distributed 06.12.2006]
- R. P. Gruber, L. F. Wagner, R. Block, S. Matthews. Subjective Time vs. Proper (Clock) Time (PDF file, 173 Kb)
- S. M. Hitchcock. Feynman Clocks, Casual Networks, and Hierarchical Arrows of Time in Complex Systems from the Big Bang to the Brain
- S. M. Hitchcock. Is There a 'Conservation of Information Law' for the Universe?
- S. M. Hitchcock. Quantum Clocks and the Origin of Time in Complex Systems
- S. M. Hitchcock. Time and Information: from Feynman Diagrams to Feynman Clocks and Beyond...
- S. M. Hitchcock. Time and Information: Part 1
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Biological evolution — a semiotically constrained growth of complexity (PDF-file, 56 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Biomechanical and coherent phenomena in morphogenetic relaxation processes (PDF file, 524 Kb) [distributed 03.02.2013]
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Foundations of metabolic organization: coherence as a basis of computational properties in metabolic networks (PDF-file, 112 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Objective patterns in the evolving network of non-equivalent observers (PDF file, 187 Kb) [distributed 03.02.2013]
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Physical limits of computation and emergence of life (PDF file, 194 Kb) [distributed 03.02.2013]
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Quantum computation, non-demolition measurements,and reflective control in living systems (PDF file, 113 Kb) [distributed 03.02.2013]
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Quantum mechanical properties of biosystems: A framework for complexity, structural stability, and transformation (PDF-file, 3984 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Semiokinesis - Semiotic autopoiesis of the Universe (PDF-file, 133 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Semiosis and reflectivity in life and consciousness (PDF-file, 1937 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- A. U. Igamberdiev. Time, reflectivity and information processing in living systems: a sketch for the unifled information paradigm in biology (PDF-file, 71 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- L. V. Il’ichov A topos-theoretic approach to branching space-time (PDF file, 271 Kb) [distributed on 31.01.2012]
- M. M. Iradier. Inertial thrust engines as non-conventional clocks (PDF file, 108 Kb)
- M. M. Iradier. The left hand of chaos (modern and ancient Indian analysis) (PDF file, 816 Kb)
- M. M. Iradier. Wavelets, pulse analysis, and the third derivative of time (PDF file, 274 Kb)
- A. Kaivarainen. New Hierarchic Theory of Water and its Role in Biosystems. Bivacuum Mediated Time Effects, Electromagnetic, Gravitational & Mental Interactions (PDF file, 1.25 Mb)
- A. Kaivarainen. Unified Theory of Bivacuum, Particles Duality, Fields & Time. New Bivacuum - Mediated Nonlocal Interaction
- A. Kaivarainen. Unified Model of Bivacuum, Wave-Corpuscle Duality, Fields & Time (PDF file, 48.7 Kb)
- A. Kaivarainen. Virtual Replica of Matter in Bivacuum and Possible Mechanism of Distant Mind - Matter and Mind - Mind Interaction
- V. V. Kassandrov. Biquaternion Electrodynamics and Weyl-Cartan Geometry of Space-Time (PDF file, 78.3 Kb)
- V. V. Kassandrov. Nature of Time and Particles-Caustics: Physical World in Algebrodynamics and in Twistor Theory (PDF file, 195 Kb)
- V. V. Kassandrov, J. A. Rizcallah. Twistor and "Weak" Gauge Structures in the Framework of Quaternionic Analysis (PDF file, 193 Kb)
- V. V. Kassandrov. Algebraic roots of Newtonian mechanics: correlated dynamics of particles on a unique worldline (PDF file, 425 Kb) [distributed 03.02.2013]
- G. A. Koehler. Mapping An Organization's Temporal Signature from Order To Chaos (PDF file, 115 Kb)
- G. A. Koehler. Simulating the Timing Effects of Public Policy Interventions (PDF file, 36.2 Kb)
- G. A. Koehler. Understanding the Complex Timing Effects of Public Policy Interventions in Industry Clusters (PDF file, 76.8 Kb)
- G. A. Koehler. Useful Hints for Reordering the Universe
- S. M. Korotaev. Causality and Reversibility in Irreversible Time // Scientific Research Publishing, Inc., USA, 2011 (PDF-file, 7938 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- S. M Korotaev. Experimental Study of Advanced Correlation of Some Geophysical and Astrophysical Processes (pdf – file 130 kb) [distributed 1.05.2007]
- S. M. Korotaev. Experimental Verification of Transaction of the Dissipative Processes Through the Active Properties of Time
- S. M. Korotaev. Force of Time (PDF file, 65.5 Kb)
- S. M. Korotaev, N. M. Budnev, V. O. Serdyuk, J. V. Gorohov, E. O. Kiktenko, V. L. Zurbanov, R. R. Mirgazov, V. B. Buzin, A. V. Novysh Preliminary results of the Baikal experiment on observations of macroscopic nonlocal correlations in reverse time // Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory. BMSTU, 2013. P. 141-151. (PDF-file, 292 Kb)[distributed 07.12.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev, E. O. Kiktenko. Causality in quantum teleportation // Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory. BMSTU, 2013. P. 131-140. (PDF-file, 211 Kb) [distributed 07.12.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev, E. O. Kiktenko. Causal analysis of asymmetric entangled states under decoherence (PDF file, 169 Kb) [distributed 16.08.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev, E. O. Kiktenko. Causal Analysis of the Quantum States // AIP Proceedings. 2010. V. 1316. P. 295-331. (PDF file, 1018 Kb) [distributed 16.08.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev, E. O. Kiktenko. Causality and decoherence in the asymmetric states (PDF file, 338 Kb) [distributed 16.08.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev, E. O. Kiktenko. Entanglement and causality in the interaction of the two-level atom with the field // Physica Scripta. 2013. V.88. P. 055008. (PDF-file, 201 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- S. M. Korotaev, E. O. Kiktenko. Quantum Causality // Physics of Reality: Space, Time, Matter, Cosmos (Ed. by R.L. Amoroso, L.H. Kaufmfman and P. Rowlans). World Scientific, 2013. P. 273-294. (PDF-file, 538 Kb) [distributed 03.11.2013]
- S. M Korotaev, A. N. Morozov, V. O. Serdyuk, J. V. Gorohov, V. A. Machinin. Experimental Study of Macroscopic
Nonlocality of Large-scale Natural Dissipative Processes (PDF file, 412 Kb) [distributed 1.05.2007]
- S. M. Korotaev, V. O. Serdyuk and M. O. Sorokin. Experimental Verification of Kozyrev's Interaction of Natural Processes (PDF file, 391 Kb)
- S. M Korotaev, A. N. Morozov, V. O. Serdyuk, J. V. Gorohov, V. A. Machinin. Forecasting effect of macroscopic nonlocality (PDF file 122 kb) [distributed 1.05.2007]
- S. M. Korotaev, V. O. Serdyuk, M. O. Sorokin, J. M. Abramov. Geophysical Manifestation of Interaction of the Processes Through the Active Properties of Time (PDF file, 146 Kb)
- S. M. Korotaev. Logic of Causal Mechanics: Observations-Theory-Experiments
- S.M. Korotaev. Forecasting effect of macroscopic nonlocality (PDF file, 92 Kb) [distributed 1.06.2007]
- S. M. Korotaev, V. O. Serdyuk, J. V. Gorohov.
Forecast of geomagnetic and solar activity on nonlocal correlations
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- S. M. Korotaev, V. O. Serdyuk, J. V. Gorohov.
Forecast of solar and geomagnetic activity on the macroscopic nonlocality effect
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- S. M. Korotaev, V. O. Serdyuk, J. V. Gorohov.
Signals in Reverse Time from Heliogeophysical Random Processes and their Employment for the Long-term Forecast (PDF file, 190 Kb)
- K. Korotkov, A. Levichev. The 3-fold Way and Consciousness Studies (PDF file, 460 Kb)
- A. F. Kracklauer. Time contortions in modern physics
- Iu Kudriavtcev. On inner contradiction in the metric tensor of the standard cosmological model. (PDF-file, 183 Kb), [distributed 23.06.2011]
- A. L. Krugly. The dynamics of binary alternatives for a discrete pregeometry (PDF file, 257 Kb) [distributed 31.01.2012] Файл взят с сайта: http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.0005v1
- A. L. Krugly. An example of the stochastic dynamics of a causal set (PDF file, 690 Kb) [distributed 31.01.2012] Файл взят с сайта: http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.5474v1
- A. L. Krugly. A sequential growth dynamics for a directed acyclic dyadic graph (PDF file, 319 Kb) [distributed 31.01.2012] Файл взят с сайта: http://arxiv.org/abs/1112.1064v1
- A. L. Krugly. Discrete mechanics: a sequential growth dynamics for causal sets that is based on binary alternatives (PDF file, 353 Kb) [distributed 31.01.2012] Файл взят с сайта: http://arxiv.org/abs/1106.6269v1
- O. Kupervasser. Basic paradoxes of statistical classical physics and quantum mechanics. (PDF файл, 2557 Кб) [distributed 05.02.2012]
- O. Kupervasser. The Universal Arrow of Time is a key for the solution of the basic physical paradoxes. (PDF файл, 1708 Кб) [distributed 05.02.2012]
- P. V. Kurakin, G. G. Malinetskii. How bees can possibly explain quantum paradoxes (PDF file, 61 Kb) [distributed 24.05.2006]
- M.-M. LeBel. Ontology of the Universe [distributed 05.06.2008]
- A. P. Levich. A search for equations of motion as a task of temporology
- A. P. Levich. A Substantial Interpretation of N. A. Kozyrev's Conception of Time
- A. P. Levich, A. V. Solov'yov. Category-Functor Modelling of Natural Systems
- A. P. Levich. Generating Flows and a Substitutional Model of Space-Time
- A. P. Levich. Motivations and Problems of Studying Time
- A. P. Levich. Paradigms of natural science and substantial temporology
- A. P. Levich. The birth of paradigm of an open World generated by "time"
- A. P. Levich. Time as Variability of Natural Systems: Ways of Quantitative Description of Changes and Creation of Changes by Substantial Flows
- A. P. Levich. Towards a Dynamic Theory (on the centenary of E. Bauer)
- A. P. Levich. Variational Modelling Theorems and Algocoenoses Functioning Principles
- A. P. Levich. What we expect from studying time
- A. V. Levichev. DLF-approach as the development of Segal’s chronometric theory. III: More on the tachyonic component (PDF file, 175 Kb) [distributed 10.12.2007]
- A. V. Levichev. On Mathematical Foundations and Physical Applications of Chronometry (PDF file, 407 Kb)
- A. V. Levichev. "Russian Troika" as the New Spatio-Temporal Paradigm (PDF file, 137 Kb)
- F. Lobo and P. Crawford. Time, closed timelike curves and causality. The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception. Edited by Rosolino Buccheri, Metod Saniga, and William Mark Stuckey. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht / Boston / London (published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division), pp. 289-296 (PDF file, 118 Kb)
- T. P. Lolaev. The Finite and the Infinite: A New View on the Problem
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- R. L. Mallett. Weak gravitational field of the electromagnetic radiation in a ring laser
- A. Maurins. G. Backman's Conception of Organic Time and the Experience of its Application
- G. E. Mikhailovsky. Biological Time, its Organization, Hierarchy and Presentation by Complex Values
- J. Mossbridge , P. Tressoldi, J. Utts. Predictive physiological anticipation preceding seemingly unpredictable stimuli: a meta-analysis (PDF file, 1309 Кб) [distributed 02.09.2013] (source: http://www.frontiersin.org/)
- NATO Advanced Research Workshop "The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception", Book of Abstracts of the talks to be presented at the workshop, May 21-24, 2002 / Tatranska Lomnica / Slovak Republic
- Yu. V. Nikonov. Self-organization of biological time at alcoholic dependence
- A. V. Nikulov. Papers
- P. Ogonowski. Geroch decomposition implications for quantum gravity (PDF-file, 286 Kb) [distributed 05.10.2013]
- P. Ogonowski. Gravity as field in Planck limit (PDF-file, 160 Kb) [distributed 03.02.2013]
- P. Ogonowski. Time Dilation as Field (PDF-file, 230 Kb) [distributed 03.02.2013]
- V. Ogryzko. On two quantum approaches to adaptive mutations in bacteria (PDF-file, 500 Kb) [distributed 15.10.2008]
- V. Ogryzko. Quantum information processing at the cellular level. Euclidean approach. (this article can be found online at: http://arxiv.org/abs/0906.4279) [distributed 09.02.2012]
- A. M. Olovnikov. The Redusome Hypothesis of Aging and the Control of Biological Time during Individual Development
- On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: the Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 1. Interdisciplinary Time Studies. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific. 1995. 201 pp.
- On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: the Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 2. The "Active" Properties of Time According to N. A. Kozyrev. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific. 1996. 220 pp.
- A. G. Parkhomov. The Problems In Experimental Foundation Of Causal Mechanics
- M. Pavsic. Clifford Algebra, Geometry and Physics. The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception. Edited by Rosolino Buccheri, Metod Saniga, and William Mark Stuckey. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht / Boston / London (published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division), pp. 165-174.
- V. M. Petrov. Triplicity and codes of culture: Impact of informational regularities (PDF file, 76 Kb) [distributed 25.01.2008]
- R. I. Pimenov. Mathematical Temporal Constructions
- P. V. Poluyan. Numbers in Space
- P. V. Polyan. Non-standard Analysis of Non-classical Motion. Time and Chronometrics. Areal Multitudes.
- O. S. Razumovsky. Models of Time in Physics and Cosmology
- S. Roy. Planck Scale Physics, Pregeometry and the Notion of Time. The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception. Edited by Rosolino Buccheri, Metod Saniga, and William Mark Stuckey. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht / Boston / London (published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division), pp. 341-352 (PDF file, 129 Kb)
- J. Sanfey. Reality, and those who perceive it
- J. Sanfey. The Qualia of “Now”: Key to a Fundamental Equation of Consciousness?
- M. Saniga. Cremona Transformations and the Conundrum of Dimensionality and Signature of Macro-Spacetime. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2001, Vol.12, No.12, Pp.2127-2142
- M. Saniga. Einstein on acid (PDF file, 50 Kb)
- M. Saniga. Geometry of Psychological Time. Albeverio and Ph. Blanchard (eds.). The Direction of Time. The Role of Reversibility/Irreversibility in the Study of Nature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003
- M. Saniga. Geometry of Time and Dimensionality of Space. R.Buccheri, M.Saniga and W.M.Stuckey (eds.). The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics & Perception (NATO Science Series II). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, Pp.131-143
- M. Saniga. King of infinite space
- M. Saniga and R. Buccheri. The Psychopathological Fabric of Time (and Space) and Its Underpinning Pencil-Borne Geometries (PDF file, 397 Kb)
- M. Saniga. The Psychopathology of Time and Its Algebraic Geometrical Patterns
- A. Sorli, I. Sorli. A-Temporal Universe (PDF file, 125 Kb) [distributed 15.11.2008]
- A. Sorli, I. Sorli. Consciousness as a Research Tool into Space and Time (PDF file, 120 Kb) [distributed 15.11.2008]
- A. Sorli, I. Sorli. Mathematical Time and Physical Time in the Theory Of Relativity (PDF file, 97 Kb) [distributed 15.11.2008]
- A. Sorli. The Theory of Atemporality (PDF file, 60 Kb) [distributed 15.11.2008]
- A. Sorli. The Theory of Atemporality (2) (PDF file, 67 Kb) [distributed 15.11.2008]
- V. M. Sarychev. Time Structure Of The World
- A. M. Savchenko, O. I. Uferov, Y. V. Konovalov. Nature of entropy of mixing (PDF file, 309 Kb)
- A. M. Savchenko, O. I. Uferov, S. A. Ershov, S. V. Maranchak. Physical and Energy Nature of Entropy of Mixing
- A. A. Sharov. Analysis Of Meyen's Typological Concept Of Time
- A. A. Sharov. Genome increase as a clock for the origin and evolution of life (PDF file, 302 Kb) [distributed 10.12.2007]
- A. A. Sharov. Life Before Earth (PDF-file, 286 Kb) [distributed 19.11.2013]
- V. O. Shahov. Concept of Global Material Corpuscular Elastic Medium of Crystalline Structure
- L. S. Shikhobalov.
Electron model in the form of four-dimensional ball in Minkowski space.
- L. S. Shikhobalov. Electrodynamics Reexamined (PDF file, 38 Kb)
- L. S. Shikhobalov. Quantum-Mechanical Uncertainty Relations As A Consequence Of The Postulates Of N.A.Kozyrev's Causal Mechanics; Forces In Causal Mechanics
- L. S. Shikhobalov.The Fundamentals Of N.A.Kozyrev's Causal Mechanics (PDF file, 80.8 Kb)
- L. S. Shikhobalov. What Can Be Obtained From The Substantial Conception Of Time?
- S. E. Shnoll, V. A. Kolombet, E. V. Pozharskii , T. A. Zenchenko, I. M. Zvereva, A. A. Konradov. On Discrete States Due To Macroscopic Fluctuations
- M.H. Shulman. Is it possible to travel in Time? (PDF file, 218 Kb), [distributed 02.09.2013] (source: http://www.timeorigin21.narod.ru/).
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- M. Shulman. On an important cosmological problems solution in the frame of a new cosmological model. (PDF-file, 179 Mb) [distributed 19.09.2006]
- M. Shulman. On An Experimental Validation Of The Selected Reference Frame Existence In The Universe
- M. Shulman. On The Time, Motion And Matter Physical Meaning
- M. H. Shulman. Special Relativity and the Universe evolution (PDF file, 34 Kb)
- M. Shulman. Why is Quantum Mechanics non-local? (PDF file, 107 Kb) [distributed 06.12.2006]
- K. V. Simakov. Geochronology, Geochronometry and the Problem of Measurement of the Geological Time
- K. V. Simakov. Origin, Development, And Perspectives Of The Theory Of Paleobiospheric Time (The book's price is $ 50 (mailing costs included).
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- S. Smelyakov and Yu. Karpenko. The Auric Time Scale And The Mayan Factor (PDF file, 534 Kb)
- J. D. H. Smith. Time in Biology and Physics. The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception. Edited by Rosolino Buccheri, Metod Saniga, and William Mark Stuckey. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht / Boston / London (published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division), pp. 145-152 (PDF file, 111 Kb)
- P. A. Sorokin and R. K. Merton. Social Time: A Methodological and Functional Analysis (PDF file, 1.39 Mb)
- I. E. Sutherland and J. Ebergen. Computers without Clocks.
Asynchronous chips improve computer performance by letting each circuit run as fast as it can
- The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception. Edited by Rosolino Buccheri, Metod Saniga, and William Mark Stuckey. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht / Boston / London (published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division).
- I. A. Urusovskii. Gravity as a projection of the cosmological force (PDF file, 187 Kb)
- I. A. Urusovskii. Six-Dimensional Treatment of CPT Symmetry (PDF file, 227 Kb) [distributed 19.03.2006]
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- Gregory S.Yatskar. Interference between past and future events in computer program. [distributed 19.09.2006]
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- I. L. Zerchaninova. Bradford’s law of scattering for climate-friendly technologies and metainformational effect of time. (PDF file, 740 Kb) [distributed 25.12.2009]
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- Zinaliev M. Summary of the oriented time theory (TTO).
- Zinaliev M. Summary of the oriented time theory (TTO). (french version)