Main publications
- Vladimirov Yu.S. Frames of reference in the theory of gravitation. Energoizdat, Moscow, 1982 (in Russian).
- Vladimirov Yu.S., Mitskevich N.V., Horsky Yan. Space, time, gravitation. Nauka, Moscow, 1984 (in Russian).
- Vladimirov Yu.S., Turygin A.Yu. The theory of direct interparticle action. Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1986 (in Russian).
- Vladimirov Yu.S. The dimension of physical space-time and unification of interactions. Moscow university publishers, Moscow, 1987 (in Russian).
- Vladimirov Yu.S. Space-time: explicit and hidden dimensions. Nauka, Moscow, 1989 (in Russian).
- Kulakov Yu.I., Vladimirov Yu.S., Karnaukhov A.V. An introduction to the theory of physical structures and binary geometrophysics. Archimedes publishers, Moscow, 1992 (in Russian).
- Vladimirov Yu.S. Fundamental physics, philosophy, and religion. MIICAOST publishers, Kostroma, 1996 (in Russian).
- Vladimirov Yu.S. The relational theory of space-time and physical interactions. Part 1. The theory of systems of relations. Moscow university publishers, Moscow, 1996 (in Russian).
- Vladimirov Yu.S. The relational theory of space-time and physical interactions. Part 2. The theory of physical interactions. Moscow university publishers, Moscow, 1998 (in Russian).