Information about the Chief of the laboratory-chair
Education, affiliation
Alexander Petrovich Levich graduated from Moscow Engineering Physical Institute with the speciality "Theoretical and mathematical physics".
After graduation he works at the Biological Faculty of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Doctor of Science (biology). Leading researcher of the Chair of General Ecology.
In 1974-84 he organized and headed the Moscow Working Group for Constructive Developments in Theoretical Biology. Since 1984 and up to now he is the manager and head of the Russian Interdisciplinary Seminar on Temporology.
Head of the laboratory-chair "Modelling of the natural references of time" of the Institute of Time Nature Explorations.
Areas of scientific interests
- Theoretical natural science
- General systems theory
- Ecosystem control
- Diagnostics and normalization in ecology
- Modelling of natural systems
- Studies of the time phenomenon (temporology)
- Philosophy and methodology of science
Scientific results obtained
Systems theory
The functor method for comparison of mathematical structures has been suggested. The method generalizes the notion of the number of elements to sets possessing structure. The method makes it possible to introduce a quantitative characteristic of structured sets which generalizes the notion of system entropy.
An extremal principle has been proposed for selection of real states among all possible states of a system: within the resources available, the system realizes a state having an extremal structure, or, according to the functor method of structure comparison, realized is the state with an extremal number of transformations admitted by the structure, or - a state with an extremal value of generalized entropy.
A method has been suggested for calculating functionals which are suitable, in the framework of the above extremal principle, for using in the variational methods of system modelling.
A method has been suggested for calculating the domains (in the space of resources consumed by the system) in which the system development is restricted by a given resource subset.
Ecology of communities
A formula of species structure in ecological communities has been derived; it gives one an opportunity to calculate the abundances of groups of individuals that form the community for known amounts of the consumed environmental resources and given demands of organisms for these resources.
A method has been suggested for relative abundance control of system components with the aid of ratios of the resources that restrict the system development.
Diagnostics and normalization in ecology
Methods of search for, ranging and normalization of natural factors violating the ecological wealth from mass ecological observation data has been suggested.
A method has been suggested for the analysis of rank distributions of organismic group abundances in ecological communities. The method enables one to indicate the community condition on the "norm-pathology" scale.
Time studies
The hypothesis on the existence of generating substantial flows, in whose respect our Universe is open, has been developed. The generating flows are natural references of the course of time in the Universe and a source of its formation.
The model of substitutional motion of natural systems has been introduced. This motion consists in generating flow element replacement on different levels of the system hierarchic structure. It has been proposed to describe any variability of systems (generalized motion, growth, development, etc.) in terms of their substitutional motion.
For the substantial time of the generating flows, a construction of substitutional (substitution is element replacement), or metabolic clocks has been proposed. The model makes it possible to describe the time course non-uniformity, its discreteness, system-specific and multicomponent nature and additivity and, in addition, to derive the equations of substitutional motion of systems.
List of scientific publications
Time studies
- Levich A.P. Retrospective overview of problems connected with social time in Soviet publications,1980-1990 // Time and Society. 1993. V.2. Pp. 257-266.
- Levich A.P. Generating Flows and a Substantional Model of Space-Time //Gravitation and Cosmology. 1995. V.1. No. 3. Pp. 237-242.
- Levich A.P. Motivations and problems of studying time // On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: the Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 1. Interdisciplinary Time Studies. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific. 1995. Pp. 1-16.
- Levich A.P. Time as variability of natural systems: ways of quantitative description of changes and creation of changes by substantial flows // On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: the Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 1. Interdisciplinary Time Studies. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific. 1995. Pp.149-192.
- Levich A.P. (Ed.) On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: the Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 1. Interdisciplinary Time Studies. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific. 1995. 201 pp.
- Levich A.P. A substantional interpretation of N.A.Kozyrev's conception of time // On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: the Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 2. The "active" properties of time according to N.A. Kozyrev. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific. 1996. Pp.1-42.
- Levich A.P. (Ed.) On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: the Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 2. The "active" properties of time according to N.A. Kozyrev. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific. 1996. 220 pp.
- Levich A.P. The birth of paradigm of an open World generated by "time".
- Levich A.P. A search for equations of motion as a task of temporology.
- Levich A.P. Paradigms of natural science and substantial temporology // The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception. Eds.: R. Buccheri, M. Saniga, M. Stuckey. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Boston, Dortrecht, London. 2003. Pp.427-435
- Levich A.P. What we expect from studying time.
- Levich A.P. Theses on the time of natural systems. // Ecological Forecast, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1986, pp. 163-190.
- Levich A.P. Metabolic time of natural systems. // System Studies, Annual, 1988. Moscow: Nauka, 1989, pp. 304-325.
- Levich A.P. Scientific comprehension of time. // Voprosy Filosofii, 1993, No. 4, pp. 117-126.
- Levich A.P. Substitutional time of natural systems. // Voprosy Filosofii, 1996, No.1, pp. 57-69.
- Levich A.P. (compiler) The Constructions of Time in Natural Science: on the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon. Part 1, Interdisciplinary Studies.. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1996, 206 pp..
- Levich A.P. Time in natural system being. // System Analysis on the Eve of the XXI Century. Moscow: Intellekt, 1997, pp. 48-59.
- Levich A.P. Time: substance or relation? Abandoning the conceptions opposition. // Filosofskie Issledovaniya, 1998, No. 1, pp. 6-23.
- Levich A.P. Natural references of the "course" of time: formation as a change in the amount of a substance. // In: The Philosophy of Science, Moscow: IF RAN, 2000 (to be published).
- Levich A.P. Temporal problems of natural science in the 3rd millennium. // Theoretical Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Togliatti, 2000, pp. 103-113.
- Levich A.P. Natural references of the "course" of time and creation of the paradigm of an open world generated by "time". // MOST, 2000, No. 34, pp. 33-35; No. 35, pp. 33-34.
- Levich A.P. 15 years of the Seminar for Studies of the Time Phenomenon. // Lomonosov Readings, Moscow State University, 2000.
- Levich A.P. Basic problems of "Theoretical Biology" by E. Bauer: a search for a theory of generalized motion and sources of the non-equilibrium nature of living matter. // In: Erwin Bauer and Theoretical Biology, Pushchino, 1993, pp.91-101.
- Levich A.P. The Institute for Time Nature Exploration - // Research Service in the INTERNET. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2001, pp. 69-72.
- Levich A.P. Entropical parametrization of time in the general theory of systems // The bulletin of the Russian humanitarian scientific fund, 2002.
Category and functor system modelling
- Levich A.P., Solov'yov A.V. Category-functor modelling of natural systems // Cybernetics and Systems. 1999. V.30, No.6, Pp. 571-585.
- Levich A.P. Information as system structure. // Semiotika i Informatika, 1978, No. 10, pp. 116-132.
- Levich A.P. Sets Theory, the Language of Category Theory and their Application in Theoretical Biology. Textbook. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1982, 190 pp..
- Levich A.P. Entropy as a generalization of the number of elements concept for finite sets. // Filosofskie Issledovaniya, 2001, No. 1, pp. 59-72. Proceedings of seminar " Time, chaos and mathematical problems ". V. 2. 2000. M.: Institute of mathematical researches of complex systems. Pp. 163-176.
- Levich A.P. Entropy as a measure of structuredness of complex systems. // Proceedings of seminar " Time, chaos and mathematical problems ". V. 2. 2000. M.: Institute of mathematical researches of complex systems. Pp. 163-176.
Variational modelling
- P. V. Fursova, A. P. Levich. Variational model of microorganism polyculture development without re-supply of mutually irreplaceable resourses Ecological modelling. V. 200. №1-2. 2007. P. 160-170 (PDF, 905 Kb)
- Levich A.P., Gavrilov G.P., Stolyarov A.Yu. The adequacy of alternative models in communities ecology. // In: Ecological Forecast, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1986, pp. 190-196.
- Levich A.P., Alexeyev V.L., Rybakova S.Yu. Optimization of the structure of ecological communities: model analysis // Biophysics. 1993. V. 38. No. 5. Pp. 903-911.
- Alexeyev V.L., Levich A.P. A search for maximum species abundances in ecological communities under conditional diversity optimization // Bull. of Mathemat. Biology. 1997, v. 59. No.4, pp. 649-677.
- Levich A.P. and Alekseyev V.L. The entropy extremal principle in the ecology of communities: results and discussion. (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Biophysics. 1997. V.42. No. 2. Pp. 525-532.
- Levich A.P. Variational modelling theorems and algocoenoses functioning principles // Ecological Modelling. 2000 V. 131. Pp. 207- 227.
- Levich A.P. Extremal principle in systems theory and the species structure of communities. // In: Problems of Ecological Monitoring and Modelling in Ecology. IPG Proceedings, Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1978, v. 1, pp. 164-183.
- Levich A.P. Structure of Ecological Communities, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1982, 181 pp..
- Levich A.P. Sets Theory, the Language of Category Theory and their Application in Theoretical Biology. Textbook. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1982, 190 pp..
- Levich A.P., Nosov V.N., Smirnov N.A. Category-theoretical model of the ecological community structure taking into account external factors. // In: Man and Biosphere, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1983, 8th issue, pp. 134-139.
- Levich A.P., A search for dynamic equations and systems' proper time. // Mathematical Modelling in Rational Nature Management Problems, Abstracts of the 10th School-Seminar, Rostov-on-Don. 1986, pp. 109-110.
- Levich A.P., Lebed' A.B., Demands of biological species for nutrition components and environmental factors consumption by an ecological community. // Problems of Ecological Monitoring and Ecosystem Modelling, 1987, v. 10, pp. 268-283.
- Levich A.P. Possible ways of finding dynamic equations in communities ecology. // Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, 1988, v.49, No.2., pp. 245-254
- Zamolodchikov D.G. Levich A.P. Rybakova S.Yu. A study of the adequacy of the category-theoretical model of phytoplankton communities. // Problems of Ecological Monitoring and Ecosystem Modelling, 1993, v. 15, pp. 234-246.
- Levich A.P. Zamolodchikov D.G. Alexeyev V.L. The limiting link rule for multispecies ecological communities. Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, 1993, v.54, No.3, pp. 282-297.
- Levich A.P. Alexeyev V.L. Rybakova S.Yu. Ecological community structure optimization: model analysis. // Biofizika, 1993, v. 38, 5th issue, pp. 877-885.
- Levich A.P. Alexeyev V.L. Nikulin V.A., Mathematical aspects of variational modelling in communities ecology. // Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie, 1994, v. 6, No. 5, pp. 55-71.
- Levich A.P. Self-organization criteria and control parameters in communities ecology. // In: Proceedings of the International Conference "Self-Organization Criteria in Physical, Chemical and ecological Systems''. Suzdal', 1995, pp. 108-113.
- Levich A.P., Alexeyev V.L. Entropy extremal principle in communities ecology: results and discussion. // Biofizika, 1997, v.42, 2nd issue, pp. 534-541.
- Levich A.P., Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G. Theoretical and experimental ecology of phytoplankton: community structure and function control. Moscow: NIL Publishers, 1997, 192 pp..
- Levich A.P. Optimization modelling of multicomponent open systems under competition for multiple resources. // Abstracts of the 5th International Conference "Mathematics, Computer, Education". Moscow, 1998, pp. 118.
Simulation modelling
- Fedorov V.D., Brodshy L.I., Golikova T.I., Levich A.P. Miatlev V.D., Nosov V.N., Terekhin A.T. Ecological-mathematical modelling of the biological productivity of the USSR inner seas. // Biology of Moscow University - to fish economy. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1984, pp. 106-111.
- Levich A.P. Ecological-mathematical modelling of the biological productivity of the Caspian sea. // Teoreticheskaya Ekologiya, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1984,. pp. 5-16.
- Levich A.P., Titova E.A, Lichman E.G., Vasin A.A. Model analysis of algocoenoses structure control. // In: Mathematical Modelling. // Mathematical Modelling in Rational Nature Management Rostov-on-Don, 1989, pp. 5-15.
- Levich A.P., Lichman E.G. Model studies of possible intended changes in the structure of a phytoplankton community. // Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, 1992, v. 53, No.5, pp. 689-703.
Theoretical biology
- Levich A.P., Mikhailovsky G.E. Does there exist theoretical biology? // Nauka i Tekhnika (Bulgaria), 1979, No. 18, pp. 4-6.
- Levich A.P. What are the Possible Theoretical Principles in the Biology of Communities? (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Lectures in Theoretical Biology. Tallinn: Valgus. 1988. Pp. 121-128.
- Levich A.P. Toward a dynamic theory // Lectures in Theoretical Biology. V.2. Tallinn: Estonian Academy of Science. 1993. Pp. 33-50.
- Levich A.P. Theoretical biology: search for sourses of nonequilibrium of the living matter //Biology Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1993. V.20. No. 5. Pp.628-630.
- Levich A.P. Theoretical biology: search for equation of generalized movement // Biology Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1993. V.20. No. 2. Pp.266-269.
- Levich A.P. The stability concept in biology (mathematical aspects). // Man and Biosphere, 1st issue, 1977, pp. 138-174
- Levich A.P., Mikhailovsky G.E. The 4th Winter School on Theoretical Biology. // Filosofskie Nauki, 1979, No. 2, pp. 124-126.
- Levich A.P., Mikhailovsky G.E. Does there exist theoretical biology? // Khimiya i Zhisn', 1979, No. 1, pp. 8-13.
- Levich A.P. Semiotic structures in ecology, or does there exist an ecological code? // Man and Biosphere, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1983, 8th issue, pp. 68-77.
- Levich A.P. Basic problems of "Theoretical Biology" by E. Bauer: a search for a theory of generalized motion and sources of the non-equilibrium nature of living matter. // In: Erwin Bauer and Theoretical Biology, Pushchino, 1993, pp.91-101.
Rank distributions
- Levich A.P. The structure of ecological communities. // Biologicheskie Nauki, 1977, No. 10, pp. 63-74.
- Fedorov V.D., Kondrik E.K., Levich A.P. Rank distribution of the White sea phytoplankton abundance. // Doklady AN SSSR, 1977, v. 236, No. 1, pp. 264-267.
- Levich A.P. Rank distributions of the White sea phytoplankton abundance. // Biologicheskie Nauki, 1979, No.4, pp. 14-26
- Levich A.P., Kol'tsova T.I., Likhachyova N.E. Rank distributions of the phytoplankton abundance in Vilkitsky Strait. // Biologicheskie Nauki, 1979, No. 9, pp. 102-106.
- Levich A.P., Fursov V.V., Manakova N.K. Rank distributions of the genetic language. // Genetic and Selection Studies in Turkmenistan, Ashkhabad, 1979, pp. 120-133.
- Levich A.P. Structure of Ecological Communities. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1980, 181 p.
- Fedorov V.D., Koroleva A,K., Levich A.P. Rank distributions of the White sea animal plankton abundance. // Biologicheskie Nauki, 1990, No.5, pp. 101-106.
- Fedorov V.D., Levich A.P. Where one takes the diversity indices? // Man and Biosphere, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1980. 4th issue, pp. 164-184.
- Levich A.P., Kartashova N.V. The influence of metal contaminations on the uniformity of the abundance distributions of animal plankton species. // Man and Biosphere, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1981, 6th issue, pp. 151-155.
- Levich A.P., Sirotkina N.V. The influence of heavy metals on the species and over-species structure of a phytoplankton community. // Man and Biosphere, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1981, 6th issue, pp. 142-150.
- Levich A.P. Phenomenology, application and origin of rank distributions in biocoenoses and ecology as a source of ideas for technocoenoses and economy. // In: Mathematical Description of Coenoses and the Laws of Technetics. Abakanm Centre for System Studies, 1996, pp. 93-105.
- A. V. Fursova, A. P. Levich. Variational model of microorganism polyculture development without re-supply of mutually irreplaceable resourses
- Levich A.P., Artyukhova V.I. Measuring requirements of phytoplankton for environmental substrate factors. (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Biology Bulletin of the Academy of Science of the USSR. 1991, v. 18. No. 1, pp. 86-93.
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G. Regulation of species and size composition in phytoplankton communities in situ by N:P ratio. (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Russian Journal of Aquatic Ecology, 1992, No. 2, pp. 149-159.
- Zamolodchikov D.G., Levich A.P. A choice of microalgae species for full utilization of substrate factors in water. (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Moscow University Biological Science Bulletin. V.47. No. 3. 1992. Pp. 457-464.
- Levich A.P., Chudoyan A.A., Bulgakov N.G. And Artyuchova V.I. The Regulation Of Phytoplankton Structure In Vitro By N:P Ratios // Nauchnye Doklady Vysshei Shkoly, Biologicheskie Nauki, 1992, No. 7, pp. 17-31.
- Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P., Nikonova R.S., Salomatina T.V. On the relation between ecological parameters and productivity indices of a fish nursery pond. (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin. 1992, v. 47. No. 2, pp.56-60.
- Zamolodchikov D.G., Levich A.P., Rybakova S.Yu. A study of the adequacy of the category-theoretical model of phytoplankton communities. // In: Problems of Ecological Monitoring
- N.G.Bulgakov, A.P.Levich. Environmental Biogenic Elements And The Phytoplankton: The Nitrogen-To-Phosphorus Ratio As An Independent Regulating Factor // Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, 1995, v.15, 1st issue, pp. 13-23.
- Levich A.P. The role of nitrogen-phosphorus ratio in selecting for dominance of phytoplankton by cyanobacteria or green algae and its application to reservoir management. (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // J. of Aquatic Ecosystem Health. 1996, v. 5, pp.1-7.
- Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P. The nitrogen: phosphorus ratio as a factor regulating phytoplankton community structure // Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. 1999, v. 146 No. 1, pp. 3-22.
- Levich A.P. Ecological Approaches to Regulating the Bloom Type in Eutrophic Water Bodies //Doklady Biological Sciences. 1995, v. 341. Pp.170-172.
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G., Nikonova R.S. Rational fertilization of fish ponds populated by different species (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Biology Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1996, v. 23. No. 1, pp.101-103.
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G. Possibility of controlling the algae community structure in the laboratory. (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Biology Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 1993, v. 20. No. 4, pp.457-464.
- Levich A.P. Variational modelling theorems and algocoenoses functioning principles // Ecological Modelling, 2000, V. 131, pp. 207-227.
- Maksimov V.N., Mil'ko E.S., Levich A.P. Requirements of Pseudomonas aeruginosa dissociants in glucose, nitrate, and phosphate. Limiting concentrations of the nutrients during batch cultivation. (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Biology Bulletin, Vol. 28, No 5, pp. 517-522.
- Maximov V.N., Mil'ko E.S., Levich A.P. Demands of Pseudomonas acruquinosa dissociants for glucose, nitrates and phosphates. Substance concentrations limiting the growth under cultivation without resource addition.// Izvestiya RAN, Biological Series, 2001, No. 5, pp. 630-635.
- Levich A.P. Can many species exist on a single substrate? // Abstracts of the Second All-Union Congress of Parasite Coenologists, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1983, pp. 183-184.
- Levich A.P., Fedorov V.D., Martashvili G.Sh., Liubimova E.D., Smirnov N.A., Siomin V.A. Studying the approaches to joint green plankton algae cultivation.// Tbilisi University Proceedings, 1983, pp. 209-217.
- Levich A.P., Revkova N.V., Liubimova E.D., Mazitova N.Z. On the existence of laboratory algocoenoses. // Nauchnye Doklady Vysshei Shkoly, Biologicheskie Nauki, 1985, No. 1, pp. 62-69.
- Revkova N.V., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P. Growth of four species of green plankton algae in mono- and polycultures and an attempt of species structure calculation. Manuscript deposited at VINITI (Soviet Institute of Information in Science and Engineering), Moscow, VINITI, 1985, 10 pp. ДЕП 7259-B.
- Levich A.P., Liubimova E.D., Martashvili G.Sh. Species structure and the substrate energy factor consumption in laboratory algocoenoses. // Ecological Forecast, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1986, pp. 69-103.
- Levich A.P., Revkova N.V., Bulgakov N.G. The consumption-growth process in microalgae cultures and the cells' demands for mineral nutrition components. // Ecological Forecast, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1986, pp. 132-139.
- Artyukhova V.I., Bykova N.I., Goriunova S.V., Levich A.P., Martashvili G.Sh. Four plankton algae species' growth kinetics, consumption of and demand for nitrogen and phosphorus.// Vestnik MGU, 16th series, Biology, 1988, No. 1, pp. 47-52
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G., Salomatina T.V. The hydrobiological condition of a fish-breeding pond as a response to more frequent mineral fertilizer insertion.// GosNIORKh Proceedings, Leningrad, 1988, v. 280, pp. 143-149.
- Levich A.P. Phytoplankton demands for environmental resources and methods of algocoenoses structure control.// Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, 1989, v.50, No.3., pp. 315-328
- Levich A.P., Lichman E.G. Model studies of possible intended changes in the structure of a phytoplankton community. // Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, 1992, v. 53, No.5, pp. 689-703.
- Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P., Nikonova R.S., Salomatina T.V. On the relation between ecological parameters and productivity indices of a fish nursery pond // Vestnik MGU, Biological series, 1992, No. 2, pp. 57-62.
- Levich A.P., Zamolodchikov D.G., Alexeyev V.L. The limiting link rule for multispecies ecological communities. // Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, 1993, v. 54, No. 3, pp. 282-297
- Levich A.P. Ecological approaches to blooming type control in eutrophic reservoirs. // Doklady Akad. Nauk, 1995, v. 341, No. 1, pp. 130-133.
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G. Nikonova R.S. Rational fertilizing of fish-breeding ponds with different species inserted. // Izvestiya RAN, Biol. Series, 1996, No. 1, pp. 121-124.
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G., Zamolodchikov D.G. Feeding Phytoplankton Community Structure Optimization, ed. by Prof, v. N. Maximov. Moscow: KMK Scientific Publishing Co., 1996, 136 pp..
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G. Plankton algae demands for environmental substrate and energy resources: conception and measurements. // Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, 1997, v.117, No. 1, pp. 107-121
- Levich A.P., Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G. Theoretical and Experimental Ecology of Phytoplankton: Community Structure and Function Control. Moscow: NIL Publishers, 1997, 192 pp.
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G. On possible control of the species structure of a laboratory algocoenoses, Izvestiya RAN, Biological Series, 1993, No. 4, pp. 569-578.
- Maksimov V.N., Mil'ko E.S., Levich A.P. Requirements of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Dissociants in Glucose, Nitrate and Phosphate. Limiting Concentrations of the Nutrients during Batch Cultivation. // Izvestiya RAN, Biological Series, 2001, No. 5, pp. 630-635.
Determination analysis
- Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P. Determination analysis as a method for diagnostics of ecosystem condition. //Indices and Indicators of Sustainable Development: Systems Analysis Approach, Yn.A. Rych, D.E. Hgatt, R.I.M. Lenz (Eds.). EOLOSS Publ. Co., LTD., Oxford, UK.
- Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G., Milovanova G.T., Levich A.P. Determination analysis in Ecosystems: Contingencies for Biotic and Abiotic Components //Biology Bulletin, V.27 No. 4, pp. 405-413.
- Zamolodchikov D.G., Bulgakov N.G., Gurskii A.G., Levich A.P., Chesnokov S.V. On the methodology of applying determination analysis for ecological data processing. // Nauchnye Doklady Vysshei Shkoly, Biologicheskie Nauki, 1992, No. 7, pp. 116-133.
- Maximov V.N., Milovanova N.G., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P. Indication of ecosystem conditions by the methods of determination analysis. // In: Theoretical Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Togliatti, 2000, pp. 113-120.
- Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P., Terekhin A.T. Methodology of applying the determination analysis of monitoring data for the purposes of environmental ecological control. // Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, 2001, v.121, No. 2, pp. 131-143.
- Bulgakov N.G., Dubinina V.G., Levich A.P., Teriokhin A.T. A method for searching a conjugation between the hydrobiological indices and the abiotic environmental factors (exemplified by the marketable fish yield and productivity). // Izvestiya RAN, Biol. Series, 1995, No. 2, pp. 218-225.
Diagnostics and normalization in ecology
- Bulgakov N.G., Dubinina V.G., Levich A.P., Teriokhin A.T. A Method of Searching for Correlation Between Hydrobiological Indices and Abiotic Factors (Using Commercial Fish Catches and Productivity as Examples) // Biology Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Science. 1995, v. 22. No. 2, pp. 184-190.
- Bulgakov N.G., Dubinina V.G., Levich A.P., Teriochin A.T. A Method of Searching for Correlation Between Hydrobiological Indices and Abiotic Factors (Using Commercial Fish Catches and Productivity as Examples) (Doc-file, 658 Kb) // Biology Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Science. 1995. V.22. No. 2. Pp. 184-190.
- Levich A.P. The biotic conception of environmental control. // Doklady Akad. Nauk, 1994, v. 337, No. 2, pp. 257-259.
- Abakumov V.A., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P., Maximov V.N. The tasks solving by information system "Ecology of Russian Freshwaters" // Proceedings of the First East-European Symposium on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'97). St.-Petersburg. September 2-5. 1997. St.-Pb.: Nevsky Dialect. 1997, pp. 65-67.
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G., Maximov V.N. Assessment and prediction of water ecosystem ecological state on biological indices and standardization of climatic and hydrological factors // Abstract book Index-97. St.-Peterburg. 1997. P. 80.
- Levich A.P., Terekhin A.T. A Method to Calculate Ecologically Admissible Levels of Impact of Freshwater Ecosystems // Water Resources, v. 24. No. 3, 1997, pp. 302-309.
- Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P., Maximov V.N. Prognosis of the State of Ecosystems and Standardization of Environmental Factors in Water Bodies of the Lower Don. (Gif-file, rec. resolution 1024×768) // Biology Bulletin, v. 24, No. 3, 1997. Pp. 301-305.
- Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G. and Levich A.P. Quantitative Methods of Ecological Control: Diagnostics, Standardization, and Prediction // Environmental indices: Systems Analysis Approach. London: EOL SS Publishers. 1999, pp. 363-381.
- Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P. Determination analysis as a method for diagnostics of ecosystem condition // Indices and Indicators of Sustainable Development: Systems Analysis Approach, Yn.A. Rych, D.E. Hgatt, R.I.M. Lenz (Eds.). EOLOSS Publ. Co., LTD., Oxford, UK.
- Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G., Milovanova G.T., Levich A.P. Determination analysis in Ecosystems: Contingencies for Biotic and Abiotic Components // Biology Bulletin, V.27 No. 4, pp. 405-413.
- Maximov V.N., Milovanova N.G., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P. Ecosystem condition indication by the methods of determination analysis // In: Theoretical Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Togliatti, 2000, pp. 113-120.
- Levich A.P., Fedorov V.D. Explication of the notion of norm and the integral properties of ecosystems. // Man and Biosphere, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1978. 2nd issue, pp. 3-16.
- Eldarov M.A., Feneva I.Yu., Levich A.P. Application of the "Data analysis" model in studying the White sea ecosystem. // Biologicheskie Nauki, 1979, No. 3, pp. 90-93.
- Fedorov V.D., Sakharov V.B., Levich A.P. Quantitative approaches to the problem of ecosystem norm and pathology estimation. // Man and Biosphere, Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1981, 6th issue, pp. 3-42.
- Geletin Yu.V., Zamolodchikov D.G., Levich A.P., Volynov A.M., Koreneva I.B., Yadkova V.V. Estimation and forecast of the aquatic ecosystem condition by the ecological modification method. // In: ``Ecological Modification and Ecological Normalization Criteria''. Proceedings of the International Symposium, USSR, Nalchik, 1-12 June 1990. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1991, pp. 318-329.
- Levich A.P., Teriokhin A.T., Bulgakov N.G., Abakumov V.A., Eliseev D.A., Maximov V.N., Kachan L.K. Ecological control of the Lower Don aquatic systems by the biotic identifiers of the plankton, periphyton and animal benthos. Vestnik MGU, Biological series, 1996, No. 3, pp. 18-25.
- Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P., Maximov V.N. Ecosystem condition forecast and environmental factor normalization in the Lower Don aquatic objects. // Izvestiya RAN, Biol. Series, 1997, No. 3, pp. 374-379.
- Bulgakov N.G., Dubinina V.G., Levich A.P., Teriokhin A.T. A method for searching a conjugation between the hydrobiological indices and the abiotic environmental factors (exemplified by the marketable fish yield and productivity). // Izvestiya RAN, Biol. Series, 1995, No. 2, pp. 218-225.
- Levich A.P. Computer technology for environmental control by biotic identifiers. // Proc. of the 4th international conference "Mathematics. Computers. Education", Moscow, 1997, pp. 160-165.
- Levich A.P., Bulgakov N.G., Abakumov V.A., Teriokhin A.T. Determination of the ecologically admissible levels of water consumption by hydrobiological indices. // Vestnik MGU, Ser. 16, Biology, 1998, No. 3, pp. 49-52.
- Levich A.P., Maximov V.N. Methodology and software provided for environmental quality control an the basis of an environmental control conception alternative to the MAC (maximum admissible concentration) conception. // Proc. of the 3rd International Conference of the environmental quality control problems, Moscow: Prima-Press, 1997, pp. 65-69.
- Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P., Maximov V.N. Determination analysis of multidimensional data and a forecast of the biota ecological condition by water content indices. // Stochastic Models of Hydrological Processes and Their Applications to Problems of Environmental Preservation. M.: Water Problems Institute, 1998, pp. 386-391.
- Abakumov V.A., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P., Mamikhin S.V., Nikitina R.P., Nikulin V.A., Sukhov S.V. Analytical information system "Russia's Freshwater Ecology" as an instrument for biological research. // Vestnik MGU, Biological series, 2000, No. 2, pp. 38-42.
- Levich A.P. Computer technology for regional ecological environmental control in Russia. // Abstracts of the 7th international conference "Mathematics. Computers. Education", Dubna, 2000.
- Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P. Quantitative methods of ecological control: diagnostics, normalization, forecast. // In: Ecology and Stable City Development, Moscow, 2000, pp. 79-83.
- Maximov V.N., Abakumov V.A., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P. Ecologically Tolerable Levels of Abiotic Factors. Study of Water Ecosystems in Asian Russia and Uzbekistan.
- Levich A.P. A method for calculating ecologically admissible levels of the factors violating the ecological wealth of aquatic objects. // In: Small Rivers: Modern Ecological Condition, Topical Problems. Togliatti, 2001, p. 123.
- Maximov V.N., Bulgakov N.G., Levich A.P. Ecological trouble indication as a basis for quantitative methods of rivers' ecological control. // In: Small Rivers: Modern Ecological Condition, Topical Problems. Togliatti, 2001, p. 131.
List of lecture courses
Systems theory
- Sets theory, the language of category theory and their application in theoretical natural science.
- Category and functor methods in general systems theory.
- Functor comparison of mathematical structures.
- What is "quantity"?
Ecology of communities
- Diversity measurement in communities ecology.
- Ecological community structure and functions control.
- Variational modelling in communities ecology.
Diagnostics and normalization in ecology
- Rank distributions of the abundance as an indicator of influences violating the normal functioning of ecological communities.
- Quantitative methods of ecological environmental control by mass monitoring data (condition indication, causes of trouble diagnostics, normalization, forecast, quality control).
Time studies
- On the way to understanding the time phenomenon
- Constructions of time in natural science
- Time: substance or relation?
- Generating flows of substantial time.
- Substitutional time of natural systems.
- The entropy parametrization of time.
- Birth of the paradigm of an open, "time"-generated World.
Philosophy and methodology of science
- Art and method in constructing the "World picture".
Contact coordinates

Office phone: 7 (095) 9395560
- Chair of General Ecology
Biological Faculty
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
119992, Moscow, Russia