Forms of co-operation and communication methods
Co-operation with the Laboratory-chair of modelling the natural references of time can be carried out in the following mutually complementary forms.
- Taking part in the formation of the research programme and research tasks.
- Joint solution of research problems (for a number of problems, in the framework of financed projects implementation).
- Carrying out post-graduate, graduate and student works.
- Information exchange with guests of the site. Exchange of opinions and emotions with guests of the site on the pages of the laboratory-chair electronic newspaper.
To take part in the co-operation, one should send his or her proposals and personal data (what you believe to be necessary) to the address
A.P. Levich, Chair of General Ecology, Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia
You also can call by the phone number (+7 095) 939 5560.
The qualification minimum for carrying out training works includes the knowledge and mastering (to the extent depending on the problem choice) of the material contained in the books:
- N. Bourbaki, Sets Theory - Russian translation: Moscow, 1965.
- The Constructions of Time in Natural Science: on the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon. Part 1, Interdisciplinary Studies. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1996, in Russian.
- A.P. Levich, Sets Theory, the Language of Category Theory and their Application in Theoretical Biology. Textbook. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1982, in Russian.