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Glossary of the laboratory-chair

Universe Expansion

The ordered sequnce of “instant” Universe presentations having increasing radius

Absolute Time

The Universe expansion determines a general basic process presenting the absolute Time currency. It has an own measure – the Universe Age, that is equal to a current Universe radius divided by velocity of light. The absolute Time present a vector which is oriented normally to any spatial vector


A 3D-hypersurface of the World Sphere, i.e. the Universe at a fixed Age (or at a fixed radius)

World Line

A real wave line in the 4D-continuum along which a “material particle” image is seeming to move. In the ortodoxal physics, on the contrary, a world line presents an idealized “track” of a real moving particle.

Absolute Motion

An evolution of spatial distances on a 3D hypersurface between points of its intersection by different World Lines (i.e. “material particle” images) during the Universe expansion

Absolute Rest

A “drift” of a material particle in the 4D-continuum during the Universe expansion along the World Sphere radius. The particle angular position on a hypersphere during the “drift” is constant.

Inertial Motion

An evolution of a material particle position on a hypersurface during the Universe expansion while its world line is direct and inclined at some angle to a radius. The particle angular position on a hypersphere changes linearly with time.

Non-inertial (accelerated /decelerated) Motion

An evolution of a material particle position on a hypersurface during the Universe expansion while its world line is not direct and inclined at variable (at different time) angle to a radius. The particle angular position on a hypersphere changes non-linearly with time.

Velocity of Absolute Motion

A measure of a world line relaive inclination relaive to radius of the World Sphere

Maximal Velocity of Absolute Motion

The maximal measure of the world line inclination relaive to radius of the World Sphere when the angle is equal to 90°.

Selected Reference Frame

The reference frame of an observer at rest, i.e. drifting along Time axis (along radius)


Two factors of the Universe evolution. On the one hand, the Universe expansion generates the cosmic irreversibility connected with constant increase of 3D space curvature radius, and allows the non-uniformity of Time and non-conservation of energy. On the other hand, this effect creates coming from the opposite direction entropy process that gives cause for have illusions on “heat death” of the Universe