- V. Abramovic. Geometry, time and the law of continuity
- G. P. Aksjenov. Cause of Time. (Summary)
- V. V. Aristov. On the relational statistical space-time concept
- V. V. Aristov. Relative Statistical Model of Clocks and Physical Properties of Time
- M. L. Arushanov and S. M. Korotaev. Geophysical Effects of Causal Mechanics
- R. Buccheri. Time and the dichotomy subjective/objective. An endo-physical point of view
- A. A. Chernitskii. Global causality in space-time universe. The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception. Edited by Rosolino Buccheri, Metod Saniga, and William Mark Stuckey. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht / Boston / London (published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division), pp. 307-314 (PDF file, 106 Kb)
- B. N. Chigarev. N. A. Kozyrev's Causal Mechanics Seen by an Orthodox Physicist
- T. A. Dettlaff. Clocks for Studying Temporal Laws of Animal Development
- Yu. A. Ershov. Energy Characteristics and Kinetics of Information Interactions (PDF file, 99.9 Kb)
- I. N. Gansvind. Irreversibility, Time in Philosophical Aspect
- I. Gerasimchuk. Dictionary of winds
- R. P. Gruber, L. F. Wagner, R. Block, S. Matthews. Subjective Time vs. Proper (Clock) Time (PDF file, 173 Kb)
- A. Kaivarainen. Unified Model of Bivacuum, Particles Duality, Electromagnetism, Gravitation and Time
- V. V. Kassandrov. Biquaternion Electrodynamics and Weyl-Cartan Geometry of Space-Time (PDF file, 78.3 Kb)
- S. M. Korotaev. Experimental Verification of Transaction of the Dissipative Processes Through the Active Properties of Time
- S. M. Korotaev, V. O. Serdyuk and M. O. Sorokin. Experimental Verification of Kozyrev's Interaction of Natural Processes (PDF file, 391 Kb)
- S. M. Korotaev. Force of Time (PDF file, 65.5 Kb)
- S. M. Korotaev. Logic of Causal Mechanics: Observations-Theory-Experiments
- A. P. Levich. A Substantial Interpretation of N. A. Kozyrev's Conception of Time
- A. P. Levich. Motivations and Problems of Studying Time
- A. P. Levich. Paradigms of natural science and substantial temporology
- A. P. Levich. Substantional Temporology and Paradigms of Natural Sciences
- A. P. Levich. Time as Variability of Natural Systems: Ways of Quantitative Description of Changes and Creation of Changes by Substantial Flows
- A. Maurins. G. Backman's Conception of Organic Time and the Experience of its Application
- G. E. Mikhailovsky. Biological Time, its Organization, Hierarchy and Presentation by Complex Values
- Yu. V. Nikonov. Self-organization of biological time at alcoholic dependence
- A. V. Nikulov. Papers
- V. P. Oleinik, Yu. C. Borimsky, Yu. D. Arepjev. On the Possibility of Creating the Radically New Method of Communication and of controlling the Course of Time (PDF file, 10.8 Kb)
- A. M. Olovnikov. The Redusome Hypothesis of Aging and the Control of Biological Time during Individual Development
- R. I. Pimenov. Mathematical Temporal Constructions
- M. Saniga. Geometry of Psychological Time. Albeverio and Ph. Blanchard (eds.). The Direction of Time. The Role of Reversibility/Irreversibility in the Study of Nature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003
- M. Saniga. Geometry of Time and Dimensionality of Space. R.Buccheri, M.Saniga and W.M.Stuckey (eds.). The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics & Perception (NATO Science Series II). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, Pp.131-143
- M. Saniga. The Psychopathology of Time and Its Algebraic Geometrical Patterns
- V. M. Sarychev. Time Structure of the World
- A. A. Sharov. Analysis of Meyen's Typological Concept of Time
- L. S. Shikhobalov. Electrodynamics Reexamined (PDF file, 38 Kb)
- L. S. Shikhobalov. Quantum-Mechanical Uncertainty Relations as a Consequence of the Postulates of N. A. Kozyrev's Causal Mechanics; Forces in Causal Mechanics
- L. S. Shikhobalov. What Can Be Obtained from the Substantial Conception of Time?
- S. E. Shnoll, V. A. Kolombet, E. V. Pozharskii , T. A. Zenchenko, I. M. Zvereva, A. A. Konradov. On Discrete States Due to Macroscopic Fluctuations
- M.H. Shulman. Is it possible to travel in Time? (PDF file, 218 Kb), [distributed 02.09.2013] (source: http://www.timeorigin21.narod.ru/)
- M. Shulman. On an Experimental Validation of the Selected Reference Frame Existence in the Universe
- M. Shulman. On the Time, Motion and Matter Physical Meaning
- S. Smelyakov and Yu. Karpenko. The Auric Time Scale and the Mayan Factor (PDF file, 362 Kb)
- A. Zaslavsky. The concept of an abstract dynamic system's intrinsic world from the subsystem-observer's point of view
- A. Zhuravel. Historical events as manifestations of time
- V. E. Zhvirblis. Stars and Koltsars