Autumn semester of 2003
The Seminar is supported by the Moscow Government
Tuesday, September 30 (350th session of the Seminar)
A presentation of the new book "METAPHYSICS". YU. S. VLADIMIROV ().
B. V. KUKSENKO (). "THE SUBJECTIVE CHARACTER OF A CONCEPT OF "TIME". We call "objective" the time obtained from an external (remote independent) clock. Objective time does exist. The spinning of the Earth, its movement around the Sun defines a time objectively. Blinking of a pulsar - even more. Clocks exist everywhere. Nevertheless, there is no visible proof that there is a time that theoretical scientists introduced for themselves as a generalization of all objective times. Each time is defined by its own clock, and their generalization into a single "Time River" while seem to be apparent and not requiring a proof, is just an unreasonable assumption of a scientist. Note that a variety of external time clocks only indicates that the concept of simultaneity is not of as much "physical" value as it is tried to be shown. Traditional clocks are not measurement devices; they are mechanisms that dissipate energy (waste on material) at a constant speed: unwind springs, lower down weights, pour out water or sand. The reversibility of time in Theoretical Mechanics does not have experimental grounds; it is just mathematical. A mechanical movement is reversible only in formulas (i.e. mathematically); in reality, velocities are reversible but the time is not. Time is a property of every single motion. Time is almost a synonym of a missing equilibrium. It is different for "direct" and reversed motions. A statement of a Cauchy problems with initial conditions is not valid. The refusal from statement of problems with initial values "simultaneously" appearing in different locations, perhaps, will get rid of some restrictive paradoxes of Theoretical Physics.
JOSÉ ARGÜELLES. "ANCIENT MAYA AND THE LAW OF TIME". The Law of Time is a new discovery of a principle of universal nature that has always existed. Extracted from the wisdom and calendrical knowledge of the ancient Maya, the Law of Time sheds new light on one of the most fundamental factors of human orientation in the cosmos - time. Though humans until recently had been unconscious of its exact formulation, the Law of Time has always operated in human culture and spiritual aspiration. Defined as the universal factor of synchronization, the Law of Time accounts for inner harmony, natural beauty, and synchronicity. Now made conscious, the Law of Time has profound implications for the reordering of human society and the reformulation of human thought in patterns that will make the noosphere finally manifest as the next stage of planetary evolution.
A. M. BICH. "SOURCES OF THE UNIFIED TIME THEORY". The local-coherent time hypothesis introduces a new time-forming factor, i.e. internal energy density. It is stated that of 3 fundamental attributes of time, the following two - interval and velocity - depend on the state of systems, while the directivity does not. Dependence of the velocity of bodies' time upon the basic time-forming factors within a gravity-bound system is represented. Discreteness of time is stated. The major consequences of the hypothesis imply the universal time velocity deceleration, the existence of microlocal curvatures of the space-time unity. The author proposes the explanation of the nature of quantum uncertainty. The "stability principle" is introduced which, in particular, presumes the possibility of gravitational mass reduction. Biological time differs from physical one by the unpredictable instability of biorhythms as the measures of time, and by the subjective nature of reading of durations. Influence of the time-forming factors of the theory of relativity on the intrinsic time of individuals should be deemed insignificant. The 4 levels of biological time are proposed depending on the state of mentality and involvement of consciousness in reflection of durations. The multilevel structure of time is presented. The opportunity of creation of a unified time theory has been predetermined by the unity of origins generating durations as well as by the principal similarity of the stages of reflecting durations both in physical and biological time. Difference between physical and biological time lies not in the principle, but in the degree of instability and subjectivity.
I. G. LVOV (). "LIFE AS A DIRECT CONSEQUENCE OF THE THERMODYNAMIC ARROW OF TIME". It is offered to the audience the development of the well-known hypothesis about thermodynamic nature of time. A new and an extremely heavy argument to its support consists in the conclusion from the existing thermodynamic ideas of the direct explanation of the life phenomena. First of all a specific principle of the physical Darwinism is derived from all of them, which extends the incidence of the main idea of Charles Darwin about the leading role of the natural selection onto the whole material world in general. Then the mentioned principle which demands viewing of the structure of nature through the prism of comparative stability of its objects against unavoidable missequencing is used for the determination of the desired main difference of life from stagnation. In fact these definitions express the two only thinkable basic ways of providing of such a stability, at that the stagnation itself is added up simply to the trivial minimization of the resulting speed of possible degradation. As for life it is a more complicated form of achievement of the same fundamental aim consisted in realization of actions which are on the face of it kind of contradictory to it and which are connected with temporary incensement of the named speed. But in reality this negative effect turns to be just a temporary one because the final goal of the mentioned actions consists in artificial creation of conditions for the further extraction of the main positive effect which increases this intermediate result and which consists of the reduction of the general speed of missequencing. As a result the average speed during a quite long period of time reduces in general which actually provides this necessary stability of all the living objects (as well as the possibility of their development). This view on the essence of life which interprets life as an active strategy of opposition to the tendency of unavoidable degradation (in contrast to the opposite passive strategy which characterizes stagnation) allows to explain later quite easily very many peculiarities in structure and vital activity of living organisms which are not fully understood yet. And also including such an exclusively human form of display if this strategy as an economic activity of individuals and society in which the total profit representing the final sense of activity becomes a clearly formulated aim.
V. L. VOEIKOV (), R. ASFARAMOV, N. D. VILENSKAYA, V. V. KOLDUNOV, D. S. KONONOV, K. N. NOVIKOV. "BENEFICIAL ACTION OF REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES (ROS) UPON LIVING ORGANISMS AND THE ROLE OF WATER IN SUSTAINING ROS HOMEOSTASIS". Reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are produced in the course of metabolism and that are taken in from the environment are traditionally considered to be a serious pathogenic factor. On the other hand more and more evidence appear in scientific literature of their universal bioregulatory role in normal physiology. However, the physico-chemical mechanisms providing for their beneficial rather than destructive effects are far from being clear. Recently we suggested that bioregulatory role of ROS is provided by the emergence of energy of electronic excitation in the reactions with their participation, and that energy in this form may be used as the energy of activation for running a variety of biochemical reactions. Besides, as the processes with ROS participation tend to develop rhythmic patterns they may serve as timekeepers for the reactions responsive to them. It is of primary importance that all such processes proceed in aqueous systems, and that water itself serves a source of ROS. In a sense one may state that water is capable for "breathing" - at the expense of O2-dependent self-oxidation it may accumulate energy which may be used for the performance of chemical work and sustaining non-equilibrium state of water. On the other hand, many varieties of water considered to be safe for drinking according to the existing normative are unable to "breath"; moreover if they are added to active water they may suppress its ability to "breath". Possible mechanisms of these phenomena and their biological significance are discussed. (Voeikov V. Reactive Oxygen Species, Water, Photons, and Life. Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum, 94 (2001), Pp.193-214; V.L.Voeikov, V.V.Koldunov, and D.S.Kononov. Long-Duration Oscillations of Chemiluminescence during the Amino-Carbonyl Reaction in Aqueous Solutions. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol.75, No.9, 2001, Pp.1443-1448.)
An announcement of the future report "FOUNDATIONS OF THE THEORY OF GRANULAR SPACE AND TIME". V. I. KONUSHKO ().
M. I. ISRAPILOV (). "ANCIENT SOLAR AND LUNAR CALENDARS, DIALS, DEVICES FOR CALCULATION OF MOON AND SUN ECLIPSES OF DAGHESTAN AND STONEHENGE". Mountain Daghestan is the land of ancient agriculture. More than 250 ancient Solar - Lunar calendars and dials are known here. Its ages were from 60000 years B.C. Without them, it was unthinkable to develop the ancient economies under hard climatic conditions of Daghestan. In the report is described: ancient calendars, dials and devices for calculation of Moon and Sun eclipses of Daghestan, its variety, arrangements, situation map, the ancient systems for calculation of daytime, the method for determination of ages of Solar - Lunar calendars and dials. On Solar - Lunar calendars, dials originally, undoubtedly were registered ancient Pole coordinates and Earth's axis inclination angles (ε). According them we can see, that actual fluctuations of ε, and Poles in during Holocene were different from generally accepted ones, exceeding them both in amplitudes and velocities of proceeding. We can see too, that in during the time from 12000 to 2000 years B.C., that the "time of climatic optimum" in Holocene, the same daytime duration of equinox days, there is very noticeable unknown until now differences between their ancient and modern values for solstices days: in summer + 2h, in winter - 2h. It could be explained only by great changes in the Earths Axis inclination. Numerous researchers of Stonehenge, it is unique ancient Lunar-Solar observatory of Great Britain, did not and could not know about such strong fluctuations of Poles and angle ε, that were during Holocene. What is more, it appears that building of Stonehenge concedes in time with migration period of the North Pole from latitude 67,50 E in the Eastern Siberia to present coordinates. Simultaneously in that period lowering of the angle ε from fixed in Daghestan calendars 32-330 to 23,90 , according to calculation of Cjou-U-Gun in 1300 B.C., took place. These processes, undoubtedly, disorganized the observatory reading, rise and set lines of Sun and Moon changed very much. Just therefore builders of Stonehenge four times had reconstructed the observatory. In the report are examined how in reality changing of Poles and angle ε affected in Stonehenge. Therefore, the clue to all secrets of Stonehenge, many of its are not revealed up in during 350 years and to now, suddenly turned out to be hidden in the far ancient Solar and Lunar calendars and dials of Daghestan. What is more, its new secret came to light. It appears that huge stone dial forms part to it too.
A. YU. SEVALNIKOV (). "QUANTUM AND TIME". The report is devoted to problematic of the time in a modern physical knowledge. On the basis of the analysis of the features of the quantum mechanics is made conclusions about its especial primary character, that is coincided with conclusions of many investigators including de Broglie, Schrödinger, etc. It's also shown that from the philosophical point of view to such understanding of time corresponds not to essential discurs, but discurs of a verbal type.
A presentation of the new scientific almanac "GORDON".
P. V. POLUYAN (). "NEW COSMOLOGY: BIPOLAR MATHEMATICS, NONSTANDARD NORMALIZATIONS, AND CHRONOMETRICS". Russian and foreign scientists have been recently trying to create in their works a synthetical theory, where the fundamental bases of algebra and geometry are united. The realization of this program is connected with the deep revaluation of such basic notions as "number", "continuum", "point", "limit", "infinitesimal", "nought", "infinity", that is why the approaches are being outlined - though they can be different from each other sometimes. This is natural, because the researchers are free in the way they work, and the coming revolutionary changes in the logic of science are inevitably connected with the changes of the whole picture of the world. In this sphere the author suggests the model of the so-called quaternion time-space, which is different from the standard Minkowsky's continuum: the three imaginary axes and a material one have the time difference [t], and the coefficient of proportionality between the physical data is not velocity of light C [x/t], but a special constant S [t/x]. Trying to go from the formal mathematical and physical aspects of this problem, the author would like to touch upon some philosophical questions. The philosophical bases of the research work were laid in the 19th century already by the "founding fathers". So, the number pairs were created by the great English mathematician Hamilton, while he was trying to define Time from the point of view of algebra, and Clifford's algebra, which is now often used in the works of the stated approach, was realized by its creator, William Clifford, as mathematical reflection of John Berkley's philosophy. In his philosophical essay Clifford introduced the special notion "mind-stuff". Then in the end of the 20th century in the works of Roger Penrose and Steward Hameroff the attempt to solve the dilemma of philosophical dualism in a scientific model was made, the idea of correlation between the thought and the matter on the level of quantum-relativity interaction appeared (that was begun to release by Karl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli in their research of synchronism). Thus, mathematical modeling and neuro-physical research are carried out together with their philosophical realization.
A. A. CHERNITSKII (). "GLOBAL SPACE-TIME CAUSALITY AND/OR FREE WILL". The problem for conflict of causality in material world and person's free will is directly connected with the main philosophical problem: "What are primary, matter or consciousness?" The consequent materialistic concept supposes the existence of unified physical law, which determines the space-time evolution of material world. Such evolution can be described by certain (multicomponent) function of space coordinates and time. Thus the unified physical law must be a field model. This is the concept of unified field theory. According to this concept the material world in its evolution is described by a solution of the unified field model. For local, i.e. purely differential, model this solution is non-local in principle. Thus experiments demonstrating quantum non-locality confirm the thesis about global evolution of the world. Such approach completely excludes the free will of person which is a part of the material world. According to idealistic concept, the laws of world are some kind of agreements between souls which are outside of time and space. The manifestation of will means some kind of modification of physical law. Within the framework of the ideological concept based on an analogy between the human perception world and computer virtual world, the materialistic point of view and the idealistic one can be unified in a certain sense. (A.A.Chernitskii. Global causality in space-time universe // The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception. Eds. R.Buccheri et al. NATO Science Series II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Vol.95. Pp.307-313. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.)
A. I. KAIVARAINEN (). "UNIFIED MODEL OF BIVACUUM, DUALITY, ELEMENTARY PARTICLES, ELECTROMAGNETIC AND GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS. NEW APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM OF TIME". The Unified Model (UM) of Bivacuum, corpuscle [C] - wave [W] duality, electromagnetic and gravitational fields has been developed. Bivacuum is considered as the infinitive superfluid continuum, formed by symmetric mass, electric and magnetic dipoles (Bivacuum fermions), existing as a pairs of rotors and antirotors of positive and negative energies. Sub-elementary particles/antiparticles are the result of stable Bivacuum fermions symmetry shift. The triplets of sub-elementary particles/antiparticles and their combinations form the elementary particles (electrons, positrons, photons, quarks). Their [C <=> W] pulsations are the result of quantum beats between asymmetric and symmetric states of sub-elementary particles. These pulsations are accompanied by (emission - absorption) of cumulative virtual clouds (CVC), formed by subquantum particles. The irreversible parts of emitted CVC energy, determined by its translational (longitudinal and transversal) contributions to resulting rotational-translational energy sub-elementary particles are responsible for electromagnetism and gravitation. The interference 3D pattern of this parts of CVC, emitted by pairs [sub-elementary particle + sub-elementary antiparticle] of triplets, with fundamental virtual pressure waves (VPW) of Bivacuum we named Virtual Replica (VR) of matter. The Hierarchic principle of matter organization: from elementary particles, atoms, molecules to star systems, including biological ones, determines similar complex organization of VR. The VR do not obey the laws of special theory of relativity and, consequently, the causality principle. The complex VR has a properties of the active medium and quantum supercomputer, enable to simulate the 'future' and 'past' metastable states of VR, corresponding to conditions of virtual pressure standing waves. The existing of feedback reaction between VR and matter makes it possible the detection of most probable virtual 'past' and 'future' of real systems. It is shown, that dimensionless pace of time for any closed and coherent system of particles (spatially anisotropic in general case) is determined by the pace of translational longitudinal and translational contributions to kinetic energy change of this system, related to in-phase changes of electromagnetic (Eem), gravitational (Egr) potentials, correspondingly and Harmonization energy of Bivacuum (HaE), acting on matter due to exchange interaction: {dt/t = dlnt = - dln(Eem + Egr) = - dln[(Tkin)tr] = - dln HaE}x,y,z. We can see from this formula that the acceleration of particles of closed system, increasing its translational kinetic energy [Tkin]tr, means the negative pace of time in this system. For example, slowing the time down can be achieved by heating of matter in any phase, its melting or boiling or corresponding ways of entropy increasing. For the other hand, the reverse processes: decreasing of particles velocity, related with temperature and entropy decreasing should be accompanied by the opposite temporal effect, i.e. positive pace of time in a system. In the absence of accelerations the pace of time is zero. These consequences of our time concept are in total accordance with consequences of special theory of relativity. In the gas phase, when the spatial distribution of the particles kinetic energy and its changes are isotropic, the pace of time is also spatially isotropic. However, in vortices of liquids and rotating solid cylinders or gyroscopes, when the linear velocity and kinetic energy of particles is growing up with distance from the rotation center, the pace of time due to centripetal acceleration increasing is slowing down. It should be different also in (x,y) plane of rotation and in vertical (z) - direction. The electric and gravitational potentials in such rotating systems should have the same asymmetry as the pace of time. The introduced in our Unified Model notions of Bivacuum Harmonization energy and force (HaE and HaF) mediated interaction between virtual replicas (VR) of two or more remote systems and our time concept may explain all experimental results of Kozirev's type experiments. One of important results of our theory is that Bivacuum Harmonization Force (HaF) action on matter drives its properties to conditions of Golden mean, different from that of maximum of entropy, corresponding to 'Thermal death" of the Universe.
M. SANIGA (). "THE PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF TIME AND ITS ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRICAL PATTERNS". The nature of time is undoubtedly one of the most profound mysteries science has ever faced. I argue that a key to solve this enigma lies with the psychopathology of time. In the first part of the contribution I will highlight the most pronounced examples of "pathological/anomalous" perception of time (and, to a lesser degree, also space) such as the experience of "timelessness" ("eternity"), time "standing still", the "prevailing" past, time "flowing backward" and "discontinuous/fragmented" time. In the second part I will outline a simple algebraic geometrical model of time accounting qualitatively for all the above-mentioned kinds of psychopathology of time. The talk will be rounded off with a brief account of ontological/epistemological questions implied by the model. (Saniga, M. Geometry of Psychological Time // Albeverio and Ph. Blanchard (eds.). The Direction of Time. The Role of Reversibility/Irreversibility in the Study of Nature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003; Saniga, M. Geometry of Time and Dimensionality of Space // R.Buccheri, M.Saniga and W.M.Stuckey (eds.). The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics & Perception (NATO Science Series II). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, Pp.131-143; Saniga, M. Cremona Transformations and the Conundrum of Dimensionality and Signature of Macro-Spacetime // Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2001, Vol.12, No.12, Pp.2127-2142; Saniga, M. and Buccheri, R. The Psychopathological Fabric of Time (and Space) and Its Underpinning Pencil-Borne Geometries (PDF file, 397 Kb).)
An announcement of the future report "INFORMATIONAL SENSE OF QUANTUM MECHANICS". A. N. AVERKIN ().
I. YU. ALEKSEYEVA. "ETHICALLY AXIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS". The declared topic is considered in two main aspects. The first consists in values determining the specifics of modern informationally communicational technologies and the behaviour of people creating, promoting, and using such technologies. These values are accessibility and protection of information, freedom of choice, realization of human possibilities. The second aspect consists in norms of communicative behaviour and their change under influence of computer network technologies. The questions are posed on newness of ethical problems generated by development of informationally communicational technologies, on ideals of "informational society" and difficulties connected with their embodiment in reality.
Tuesday, December 23
An announcement of the future report "DUALISM OF TIME". A. D. ARMAND.