Spring semester of 2003
The Seminar is supported by the Moscow Government

A presentation of the first number of the journal "IN THE WORLD OF SCIENCE" (SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN). THE ISSUE SUBJECT IS TIME. V. E. KATAEVA ().
A PRESENTATION OF PARTICIPANTS OF THE SEMINAR "TEMPOROLOGY NEWS" (new ideas and facts, an evolution of ideas, a chronicle of events, subjects for discussions, new publications, a formulation of problems and tasks, etc.).
). A TALK ON COGNITIVE FOUNDATIONS OF SYNERGETICS IN THE WORLD OF THE POSTNONCLASSICAL SCIENCE. On individual origins in synergetics. Interdisciplinarity and principles of synergetics. Linguistic games from synergetics. Two views of formation. Chaos and generalized rationality. Creative universe. Postnonclassical epistemological space. From the "lens" classical paradigm to the laser-holographic paradigm of Haken-Bohm. From neural networks to the network noospheric thinking. Mesoparadigm of synergetics: problems of modelling in the anthropic sphere. The anthropic principle in synergetics.
A. N. MOROZOV (). "THE FLUCTUATING TIME MODEL FOR DESCRIPTION OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS". The methods of description of different dynamic systems, using the fluctuating time model, are considered. The way of describing the fluctuations of periods of machines and mechanisms with cyclic motion is suggested. The general relations for the characteristic function of the fluctuations of periods of cyclic system motion were obtained. It was shown that the using of the fluctuating time model led to changing the description of physical process proceeding.
An announcement of the future report "GENERATING THE GEOMETRY FROM ALGEBRAIC SYSTEMS". A. V. KOGANOV ().
L. I. PETROVA (). "FOUNDATIONS OF A QUALITATIVE EVOLUTIONARY FIELD THEORY". At present the theory of skew-symmetric (exterior)
differential forms that possess invariant properties has been developed. In the present work it will be shown that there exist differential forms which differ in their properties and features from exterior differential forms. These new differential forms with exterior multiplication will be referred to as "evolutionary differential forms" because they possess the evolutionary properties. In the work the role of exterior and evolutionary differential forms for the field theory is emphasized. The exterior differential forms, whose properties correspond to the conservation laws,
constitute the basis of the existing invariant field theories. They describe the physical structures, which constitute physical fields. However, the theory of exterior differential forms, being invariant one, cannot describe the processes of emergence of physical structures and formation of physical fields. This can be done only by the evolutionary theory. It is evident that the general field theory has to integrate the invariant and evolutionary mathematical foundations. It is an approach to such a general field theory that the theory of exterior and evolutionary differential forms can
A. V. ZHURAVEL (). "HISTORICAL EVENTS AS MANIFESTATIONS OF TIME". This research suggests for consideration a question of qualitative characteristics of time on the historical material. It has been made on the following basis: the distribution of main events of Russian history (XV-XX centuries) according to days of Gregorian calendar and degrees of ecliptics has occurred irregular. There are some "clots" (2-4 days or degrees) where many important events are gathered and some "empty" intervals poorly endowed with historical events. At the same time these "full" and "empty" clots are not mainly situated chaotic but organize together in the 900 and 1800 angles. This rule proves out in dates of birth and death of politicians, statesmen, warlords, personalities of culture and science. It attaches to the data of the Romanovs (the ruling Russian dynasty in 1613-1917). It comes that degrees of ecliptics are "chronons" (quanta of time). They have some qualities which manifest yourselves at the moment the Sun goes along them. So an alive organism named "Russia" proves to be sensitive to these interactions. Neither human nor natural histories are not able to explain phenomena of this character in themselves. It is necessary to work out a conjoint approach considering peculiarities of humane and natural knowledge. It is also necessary to refuse some scientific preconceptions and to revise the attention to astrology in particular: the described above phenomena are quite natural and obligate from the viewpoint of this "lie science".
1. Basic question. Our research is motivated by and focused on the following question: What shall we see if we view the reality in other temporal scales - other than a common temporal scale in which human perception is performed? "See" and "view" here are plain words for all forms of perception and cognition.
2. Neuronal frame of perception. The key idea underlying our research is that incoming perceptive data in the brain is processed in a discrete mode. The idea was set forth first by H.Bergson, and experimentally proved for visual perception by F.Varela et. al. As to other forms of perception and cognition, it is taken yet as a hypothesis. A frame is formed by a simultaneous firing of a huge number of neurons, although locally dispersed in the brain. A frame is synchronous within itself, within it "nothing happens". A flow exists only as a flow of discrete perceptive frames, or "shots", constantly replacing one another.
3. Normal duration of a frame. Very roughly it may be taken as 0.1 sec, corresponding to the average alpha-rythm. The speed of a frame change in human brain is the basic determining factor of the temporal scale in which human perception is performed. The additional factor is an overall interval within which a process of observation lasts - roughly up to 100 years with humans. The limiting factor for the ultimate speed of a frame change is the maximally possible speed of a single neuron firing.
4. Altered duration of a frame. In states of psychological stress and mobilization induced by it, a speed-up perception and cognition can be observed. Our hypothesis is that a speed-up perception and cognition correspond to a speeded flow of perceptive frames in brain, thus, to a shorter duration of each frame. An average speed of perception and cognition of a living being of a particular species is adjusted, in its turn, to the construction of a particular body and a speed of bodily reactions and movements.
5. Hypothetical durations: stretched and compressed frames.
The temporal scales far from normal or altered human perception scale, can be modeled by way of mental experiment, rapid and slow film shooting and replaying, and computer imitation of very fast and very slow processes. A certain hypothetical temporal scale is set by and corresponds to a certain duration of a perceptive frame. A hypothetical duration is to be referred to a hypothetical, or virtual observer.
6. Observation and the immanent structure of reality. Any observer discerns in the reality, as an all-containing reservoir, a particular contour of it, corresponding to a temporal scale of observation. With a different temporal scale of observation a different ontological picture of reality is to be observed. But, metaphorically, not any arbitrary positions of a knob on a temporal "wave band receiver" will give a meaningful picture, but only those corresponding to certain "stations", i.e. objective temporally ordered structures.
7. Features of reality manifested in different temporal scales. Dealing with one and the same reality in different temporal scales makes certain objective features of reality be manifested, the others look absent. These are, in particular, features of life: if we observe an object in an inappropriate interval or with an inappropriate speed of a frame change, we may not notice the very essence of a process. We would not be able to say whether we deal with a material object only, or with this very object, but as a living being. These features are also localization of a body, when within too long a frame an object appears to be both "here" and "there", wholeness of a body, the aggregate state and resilience of a body, particular states and events in their sequence as separate.
8. Towards the definition of the nature of time. Seen from the above, the flow of time can be understood as: a) change b) of state c) by a certain parameter d) as perceived by an observer e) and perceived in a certain temporal scale. The proposed definition is of relativistic character, close to the principle of relativity of motion. The flow cannot be observed by itself - it can be fixed only in relation to some other flow or a motionless object. The definition is operational, as opposed to an abstract universalism in understanding of the nature of time. Ontological equality and equal admissibility of states of "time flows (goes)" and "time does not flow (does not go)" is assumed. If measured by a different parameter, no change of state may be fixed at all, so in this respect time just does not flow. The idea of switching between temporal scales contributes to departing from the view on the nature of time as some all-penetrating, always existing, and unavoidable force.
An announcement of the future report "TIME AND SELF-ORGANIZATION OF AN ANTHROPOSYSTEM". G. G. YERSHOVA ().
S. V. LEPILIN () and L. N. LUBINSKAYA. A TALK ON THE TOPIC "TIME AND ONTOLOGY OF RATIONALITY". On the basis of the three concepts of time introduced in modern informatics, physics, and logic, we discuss the assumption about the informational nature of the time phenomenon. The computer nongeometric model of time, the S.Ya.Berkovich cellularly-automatous model of reality, and the concept of time in the G.Gunter kenogrammatical logic are taken as an object of analysis. In the first model, the time flow is represented by a stepwise shift of the present to the past and depends on the informational structure possessing the limited memory. Here, the time flow is an illusion caused by programmed and structural means. In the S.Ya.Berkovich concept, reality is represented by a homogeneous lattice of stationary and interconnected cyclic counters in which waves of perturbations propagate. This prephysical level is an informational medium with the short-term memory. Cycles of elementary counters generate the prototime, which is developed into physical time at the level of physical vacuum and its flow is also an illusion. The described concepts are similar to the model of time presented in the kenogrammatical logic of G.Gunter. For description of time, he introduces the the notion of a self-referent system possessing the consciousness. In his model, the informational structure is joined with the consciousness as exceptional rationalizing property of the self-referent system. Thus, it is possible to see the ontological connection of time and rationality.
An announcement of the future report "OLD RUSSIAN INNERMOST HOUR MEASURING". R. A. SIMONOV.
A. V. NIKULOV (). "THE TRUST IN IMPOSSIBILITY OF PERPETUUM MOBILE IS ONE OF BASES OF THERMODYNAMICS FROM CARNOT TO OUR TIME". The base of the trust in absolute status of the second law of thermodynamics is considered in view of the doubts about this status
published in last years. The Carnot’s principle which we call since Clausius time the second law of thermodynamics was postulated first in 1824 on base of the old centuries belief in impossibility of perpetuum mobile. This connection between violation of the second law and a possibility of useful perpetuum mobile has remained since Carnot’s time
up to our time in spite of the cardinal changes of basis of physics which happened in the last two centuries. This connection was and remains main and only base of the trust of most scientists in the second law. This trust underlies such notions as irreversibility, thermodynamic arrow of time, law of chaos increase and other bases of physics and not
only physics. According to the kinetic heat theory by Maxwell and Boltzmann heat is perpetual motion of atoms, which can not be according to old interpretation of the second law predominated in the 19 century. But Maxwell and Boltzmann have rescued the second law to postulate absolute randomness of any perpetual motion under equilibrium conditions. Therefore the second law keeps the absolute status in spite of the evidence of perpetuum mobile such as Brownian motion. According to the belief predominated in 20 century, perpetuum mobile exists but it can not be used because of its randomness. In some challenges to the second law published in the last years this postulate about the absolute
randomness is subject to severe criticism and this problem will be
discussed in the talk. (Allahverdyan, A.E. and Nieuwenhuizen, Th.M. «Extraction of work from a single thermal bath in quantum regime», Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 1799-1802 (2000); «Statistical
thermodynamics of quantum Brownian motion: Construction of perpetuum mobile of the second kind» Phys. Rev. E 66, 036102 (2002); Capek, V. and Sheehan, D.P. Quantum mechanical model of a plasma system; a challenge to the second law of thermodynamics, Physica A 304 461-479 (2002); Capek, V. and Bok, J. «A thought construction of working perpetuum
mobile of the second kind», Czeck J. Phys. 49 1645-1652 (1999); Gordon, L.G.M. «Maxwell's demon and detailed balancing». Found. Phys. 13 989-997 (1983); Nikulov, A.V. «Quantum force in a superconductor», Phys. Rev. B 64 012505, (2001); A.V.Nikulov and I.N.Zhilyaev. "The Little-Parks effect in an inhomogeneous superconducting ring", J. Low Temp.Phys. 112, 227-236 (1998); Report Quantum Limits to the Second Law Conference University of San Diego July 28 -31, 2002 by Roy Lisker; AIP Conference Proceedings 643 of First International Conference on Quantum Limits to the Second Law; Planned Special Issues for Entropy; http://www.ipmt-hpm.ac.ru/SecondLaw/.)
An announcement of the future report "ON A SUBJECTIVE CHARACTER OF THE CONCEPT "TIME". B. V. KUKSENKO.
S. M. KOROTAEV (). "EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ADVANCED NONLOCAL CORRELATIONS OF THE NATURAL DISSIPATIVE PROCESSES". Series of the experiments at the modern level of rigour has confirmed existence of Kozyrev's transaction of the dissipative processes, which we understand now as manifestation of macroscopic nonlocality. The most prominent property of this phenomenon is transaction in reverse time. It gives the possibility of observation of the noncontrolled future. In the experiment advanced reaction of the detectors of nonlocal correlations on different large-scale processes, in particular. Synoptic and global geomagnetic ones was studied. Advanced reaction with great lag from several days to 3.5 months has reliable been detected. It allows to put up the problem of employment of the effect of macroscopic nonlocality for forecast purposes.